Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I'm Not Alone Afterall...And Neither Are They

Yesterday, I got a phone call from the school psychologist whom we consulted in January for some help with emotional coping mechanisms. He called to check on Logan and I but he also had a request.

My T1 son, Logan, is in fourth grade. He is a very compassionate kid. Apparently, there's a little boy in the same grade (we'll call him W to keep it less confusing) whose parents are getting a divorce. On top of this divorce, W's family and his best friend's family have had a falling out. Due to the falling out, W's best friend has become friends with another boy who has joined the best friend in bullying this 10 year old whose family is being torn apart at the same time.

The psychologist chose three boys in fourth grade that he was hoping will embrace W, be friends and help him through the turmoil in his life. The three boys he chose include kids that are very kind, compassionate and also have 'differences' or 'difficulties' in their lives. My Logan, of course, is diabetic and dealing the best he can with that. My Logan's best friend is another of the chosen boys. He has allergies and anxiety issues. The third boy is one that I am familiar with. I went through school with his mother and attended high school with his mother and father. This third boy's parents have been through a divorce and now the mother is in jail on drug charges.

For me, I look at my boy that we've been struggling so much with over the past almost 4 months...and I remember him talking about his new friend, W...a few weeks ago. That school psychologist definitely knows what he's doing putting these kids together and asking that they take care of each other. They're already friends and I hope their relationships will strengthen and that they end up learning much and helping each other.

W's problems have nothing to do with diabetes, drug-addicted parents, allergies or anxiety but these are every-day struggles in our children's lives. Friends with struggles give them something to cling to - to know they are not alone in their struggles, though their trials are different.

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading your blog - My daughter is in 5th grade and was diagnosed at age 5 - come check us out at No Sugar Needed!
