Friday, March 5, 2010


It looks like we've made some progress in the D arena. Logan seems to be more interested in making sure he's doing what he needs to. He is over the 'vacation' - he doesn't like to be micro-managed, I guess.

Blood sugar checks are at least 6 times a day for the past few days. He goes low after dinner/at bedtime. He wakes up high in the morning. I made some adjustments in his basal rate and although he still woke up in the 160s at least it wasn't in the 200s like it has been. We're still battling the lows at bedtime, though. One more adjustment and maybe we'll have it taken care of.

All in all, things are a little bit better. Stressful? Yes. Time consuming? Yes. Worth it? TOTALLY!


  1. Glad you are making progress and he is back on the D bandwagon!

    It is definitely worth it all!

  2. I'm so proud of you!!!! Way to go, guys :) Keep up the good work and we'll be cheering you on the entire way!!!!

  3. I'm happy things are settling for you guys. I totally know what a relief it is!

  4. Great job!! See this entire cheering section you have? I Love it! Keep up the good work!

  5. I just found your blog and hope you would start posting again.
    I'm almost 40 and a Type 1, just found out 6 years ago.
    I loved reading about the camp Logan went to, and heard about something like that on D-life awhile back.
    I just started a blog a couple of days ago, called I Love Carbs, ironic I know, but just trying to make light of it all.

    Take care and hope Logan lives a long, healthy life.


  6. Good that you are checking so many times through the day and night.It is hard to keep the child well in control...wish you all the best.Medical Billing Software
