Wednesday, July 15, 2009

FYCD Camp!

I sent Logan off to a week-long diabetes camp, begrudgingly on his part, on June 21. We celebrated Father's Day the day before and we went shopping for all the things he needed for the five days I'd be handing my baby over to very smart and experienced but virtual strangers.

In the end, Logan had a blast and can't wait to go back.


  1. SO GLAD he got to go! Jada is obviously too young- but I've already checked out a camp here in Alaska for her.

  2. Family camps are awesome, too!

  3. I haven't been able to log onto your blog for some stupid reason that is still unknown to me so this is the first time I have seen these pics. Looks like he had fun after all.

  4. Camp must have been a great experience. Our local camp doesn't start until 8, so we have a few years to go.

    I just launched a new blog called D-Mom Blog, which I hope is a resource to other parents of diabetic children. I hope to develop relationships with more parents.

    (I've included you in my blogroll already.)

    D-Mom Blog

